

Fall is such a wonderful time of year! The days are warm, the sun is starting to set earlier, but still stays up long enough to provide some  brilliant sunsets! The mornings..... well, the mornings are a little too dark for my liking, just a reminder that winter is around the corner. 

Harvest, a time of gathering and reaping what we sow. Sometimes we have a great year and harvest is bountiful, providing us plenty of reserves for the coming winter. Other years harvest is poor, leaves us wondering how we will make it through another winter. 

My mom always had us do a fall and spring clean at our house, I can't say I loved doing it; washing the walls, cleaning out the closets, all the re-organizing....but now that I am older and running my own household, I totally get it! It feels so good to start a new season with a fresh outlook and a clean house! 

So along with harvesting crops and gardens, fall is a good time to take an inventory of some of the things in our lives and not just our winter clothes and the junk piled up in the basement; but also some of our relationships. It is a good time to see how what we have planted in our lives has fared through the summer, if it is going to provide us with what we need to make it through the winter. Who says New Years Eve is the only time we can re-evaluate things? 

It isn't always easy either, like a favourite pair of shoes, we all have relationships that we really liked....but they just don't fit the same anymore, you can still wear them - but they just don't make you feel the same as they did when you first got them. Just like those shoes,  some of the things we "planted" haven't done so well and as much as we wanted them to thrive and even though we have nurtured and cared for these things.....they didn't make it. So you have some choices to make - you can leave them be, let them keep taking up space in your life, you can bag them up and drop them off somewhere, making room for the new, you can give them one more season "mend some fences", see if things turn around or you can just call it a day and let them go.

Whichever way you decide to go, remember, winter is around the corner and you want to be ready - it is going to get cold..... you need to surround yourself with warmth.

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