
sharing happiness

Being happy is great all in itself but sharing happiness is a whole different feeling and there are lots of ways to share your happy feelings! 

Dogs have it figured out don't they? They are just happy to be alive. They want everyone around them to be happy.....and not in that annoying over powering way that some people have of shoving it down your throat!  I find that gay men are pretty well always happy too - gay does mean happy after all! I can't remember ever walking away from a conversation with a gay guy feeling down. Seriously. It is hard not to get a boost in your mood when after asking how his day is going I get a "Fabulous!" or a "Sooooooo good!". 

So what is their secret? 

I have no idea. 

I mean, I am sure they have bad days and sometimes feel like answering with a "Not worth a shit" or "well, I can't complain cause no one will listen" but I have never gotten that response. Same with my dogs, I have only ever been greeted with jubilation and big 'ol wagging tails! Granted the dogs have it pretty easy - I mean they have acres of land to run around on, an endless supply of food and dog treats, and lots and lots of cuddles. Even so, they must wake up on the wrong side of the dog bed every now and then, but if they do they don't show it! 

So why not try to be more like that? Why not work harder to be happy? Not like I am not happy but responding with positive words and using the "bright side of things" approach can't hurt!  

My beautiful sister came up with a most brilliant idea a few years ago to start a positive group. There are five of us in the group and we all share our positives each day. This is a great way to share happiness! It gives you a moment to think about and appreciate the positive things that happened to you during the day. It isn't always easy.......five women, 30 days in a month,....PMS is bound to creep in there once in a while! But we have been good at keeping each other positive on the days when it seems easier to concentrate on the negatives.

We added a good deed to our daily positives and I have to say I LOVE the good deed! Another good way to share happiness! Even a gesture as small as holding a door for some one at the store adds to my happiness! I try to be on the look out for an opportunity to do my good deed! Not only do I feel good doing my good deed but so does the person on the other end of said good deed!
Some days they are very simple and other days I am in the right place at the right time and I nail it!! Executing a good deed makes me feel happy enough, but the anticipation of sharing my good deed with the positive group only adds to my happiness!It is very easy to be self absorbed and focus on ourselves....because at the end of the day, no one really cares about your happiness as much as you do. So what better way to focus on your own happiness by being conscious of sharing it with others!
Being accountable to a group is a great way to stay on track, it is easy to talk the talk but when you are accountable to people each day for your actions you actually do need to walk the walk! 

So THANK YOU, to my sister for the great idea! 
Just one more thing I love about you! XOXO

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