
surround yourself

The longer I am taking up space on earth the more “relationship spring cleaning” I do. We all have relationships in our lives that just won’t go away – ever. Good or bad, positive or negative, these relationships will exist as long as we do. Then there are those toxins, you know the ones, the people in your life that just take so much of your energy and that just bring you down.

You can let them go!

You need to let them go, send them off with some positive thoughts and well wishes and move forward on your journey.

They don’t even always have to be relationships, sometimes they are just the random people we pass by throughout our day. The person at the grocery store that is rude, the wrong number that dialed you and then left you feeling bad like somehow it is your fault, or the car on your way to work that cut you off. Those are people you may never see again but somehow you find yourself thinking of them later and maybe even blame them for something negative that happened in your day, or the reason you are in a bad mood. Those are the days, that when the sun is going down you realize that you and you alone have wasted a perfectly good day being negative because of how you reacted to something.

It was your doing, your choice.

 Maybe the person at the grocery store is in fact a jerk, or maybe he is just having a bad day and has allowed it to spill out all over for everyone to see. You can feel sorry for him and send him some positives thoughts, or you could be extra nice to the lady at the till that he was just rude to (in turn replacing his negativity with your happiness and therefore helping her keep her day on track, which who knows how many more people throughout the day that will get passed onto); OR you can chose to let his negativity spill onto you, soak in and just keep sloshing around throughout your day. 

 You need to be aware, be responsible.    

It is so easy to get caught up in the drama that surrounds us and sometimes that is ok as long as you can stay detached and just take it for what it is - drama! It isn’t healthy though, to get so caught up in other people’s problems or negative current affairs that it affects your well being.  How do we find a balance? That is one of those age old questions. 

You need to surround yourself with people you love, and that love you! You need to surround yourself with happy people. You need to try to be one of those happy people so people want to be surrounded by you!  I wasn’t surprised was I when I opened the paper today and read that I live in the fifth happiest city in the world!

That is no coincidence!!

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