
Voting equals freedom


I can NOT believe how excited I am about this election!! I went to my voting station this morning promptly at 9:00am! There was a line up!!! AWESOME!!! I am a rural voter….so it was really amazing for me to see a line up so early!  We live in such a great country! I feel like I live in a great province as well! 
I have been working out in the yard all day and the tv has been off. I came in got dinner ready, poured a glass of red and turned on  Decision Alberta….the polls just closed – my husband thinks I am nuts. 

I just love being able to vote. The freedom to have a say in how my country, province, and city are run!  I love going to the polls, running into my fellow voters and neighbors, standing in line and talking about “what’s what “. It brings a smile to my face – seriously…I look like a fool when I go to cast my ballot.

I blame my “pro-union” parents for my excitement, appreciation and respect for this process. Ok, blame isn’t the right word;  thank, I thank my “pro-union” parents for my feelings regarding our democratic practices.  They believe. Believe in doing the right thing, in speaking up when something isn’t right and for fighting for what is right - popular opinion or not! Growing up I was able to see, at different times in my life, both of my parents on a picket line in their respective professions. They were accomplishing so much, surrounded by friends, colleagues, supporters, well wishers and optimism.   Of course there were also, non-supporters, “scabs” and sometimes even hate.  As stressful as it was for them, they stood their ground, because in Canada we can! And it makes me so proud. 

“fighting the good fight”

I think it is the feeling of optimism that I get so excited for.  The feeling that marking an X offers; the anticipation, the excitement, the potential is what it is all about! Whatever the outcome; if your party wins or your party does not win you can be proud that you went out and exercised your right to vote!  Tomorrow, as we go about our day we will be talking about the outcome, whether we agree with it or not, and the fact that we are able to do this out in open is simply fantastic! 

We are so lucky to live in a country in which we can have a say. 

Imagine -the changes that we are able to influence!
Imagine-the future in our hands!
Imagine – the voices of so many expressed through an X in a circle!

And then imagine…..not even being allowed to vote.   
It is hard to believe there are still places like that.

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