I am a big fan of the word "no". Sometimes when I get stressed and have too much going I like to whine to my parents....they like that right!? My dad will usually let me get through most of it before he tells me to go stand in front of the mirror and practice the word "no". Surprisingly it has worked! I have gotten a lot better at saying no! (I still have a really hard time saying no to a good bargain, or a homeless dog but that's another story) It is muscle memory. When you get on a plane it is good practice to buckle and unbuckle your seat belt multiple times before take off. You are supposed to do it with one hand. For real. I actually do this every time I get on a plane. The theory is that you will have muscle memory so that if the plane crashes and you live, you will easily be able to undo your seat belt. When you are in a stressful situation and are put on the spot during the holiday season having practiced saying no will come in handy!

So get out there and do your best to make the holidays happy and stress-free!