Being mentally stimulated to do or feel something.
I try to feel inspiration everyday, I like to get out with my camera and capture it. It has gotten much easier moving to the country. Everywhere I look, a deer sleeping in the field, a bird enjoying the bird seed in our feeder, a clear night with a full moon, a breathtaking sunset, and the list goes on.
Besides staying in tune with mother nature, I try to keep a look out for inspiration in words. Here are a few of my favourites,
"It is not your job to like me - it's mine!"
So true. We all know this......and we all are guilty of forgetting this. We all want to be liked and included and even admired. Who doesn't like a compliment? or a thanks? or an 'atta girl? I think this saying is a good one to keep in your pocket. Sometimes when you try too hard to please people or have people like you - you forget to like yourself! When you like will others! And if they don't......remember, "it's not their job to like's yours!"
"Mind your own business, and you won't be minding mine!"
Not only a great saying - also a great song, and how true! We seem to be so concerned with things that don't concern us. Unless someone asks you to stick your nose in, or if by not sticking your nose in you are becoming an accomplice or leaving someone in harms way....then keep your nose out of it!
"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all!"
These words warm my heart. This is true of all of the loving relationships I have in my life! We all are better because of each other. I especially think of my marriage when I read this......faults and all we are one when we are together. We are complete, we are safe.
"Only work out on the days you want to be happy!"
Healthy eating and exercise have become a big part of my life over the last few years. As we age our metabolism slows and sometimes so does our motivation. Working up a sweat and "feeling the burn" makes me happy! Makes everyone happy - ask science....something about endorphins.
"If you don't like my peaches, don't shake my tree!"
For the first half of my life I thought my dad made this saying up.The first time I saw it was in an old yearbook belonging to my parents. Under the black and white photo of my young handsome father, this saying listed as his favourite inspirational quote, so of course - it became one of mine!
We all need it.
We all need to be it.
We all need more of it.
Where do you find yours?
How do you help others find theirs?